Working Groups, Committees and Panels

The Working Groups, Committees and Panels are essential in directing IGEM, industry and standards, supported by knowledge and expertise from across the gas industry.


The Council, led by the elected President, is responsible for the overall governance and control of IGEM. It creates and facilitates policy and strategy initiatives through its boards, committees and working groups. 

The staff report to the Council and have specific operational tasks, staff, resource and financial controls allocated to them via an annual business plan. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the daily operational management of IGEM and reports its progress at each council meeting.


Each committee consists of at least one member of Council with the Chair or Deputy Chair being a Trustee.  

Learn more about our Committees

Audit Committee Audit Committee

The Audit Committee was set up to assist in compliance with the requirements of IGEM’s accreditation for the quality management system BS EN ISO 9001:2000 in 1997. Accreditation was first awarded on 3 July 1997 and transferred to Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) on 18 January 2013. The Audit Committee normally meets at least twice a year to review the quality management system for compliance.

It reports directly to Council and its role is to audit the application of and compliance with IGEM policies, procedures and governance, and to provide assurance to the trustees that the running of IGEM is compliant with governance requirements. It also audits the membership registration and application procedures to test for compliance with Engineering Council requirements. It ensures that the requirements are met for external bodies such as the Privy Council, Charity Commission and Engineering Council UK (ECUK). The audit programme has been developed on a risk based approach, which is managed through IGEM’s risk register and internal audits are carried out on a three year rolling programme.

Executive Board Executive Board

The Executive Board includes the full Presidential Chain, the CEO and the Chair of all seven working Committees. Depending on the meeting agenda, guests and other members are invited to attend, normally to provide an update on a specific issue or strategic objective.

The committee was originally envisaged to be in existence for a short period, but still continues to this day - although with a slightly different remit to their initial role. The Executive Board formally known as The Strategic Planning Committee was created by Past President Richard Haddon, and prior to this the Finances and General Purposes Committee, reports to Council with regard to policy matters and makes recommendations accordingly.

Their core function is the preparation of a business plan to ensure that the agreed business strategy is being delivered. Recently, the focus has been to help reshape the Institution to meet the changing needs of stakeholders and the wider gas industry.

Finance Committee Finance Committee

IGEM’s finance committee is accountable to Council for guidance and assurance in respect of most financial matters. It has among its members Trustees, investment and engineering experts and also the Head of Finance who is a Chartered Accountant. The committee meets at least twice a year to oversee finance policy and investments.  The committee monitors the governance of IGEM through financial viability, continued development of financial policy and procedures and the assessment of financial risk.

History of the Gas Industry Panel History of the Gas Industry Panel

The Panel for the History of the Gas Industry (PHI) was formed in 1980 and since that time there have been five Chair's: Crawford Sugg, Don Wilson, Barry Wilkinson, John Horne and the current Chair, Professor Russell Thomas.

The volunteers that make up the panel are passionate about recording and preserving the rich history of the industry and many of them have ancestors who were involved in gas long before they themselves were born.

The Historic Gas Times

They produce The Historic Gas Times, as part of the Journal (Gi), and published five times per year, that anyone can subscribe to. They also take a particular interest in our historic book collection housed in the Sir Denis Rooke library at IGEM House.

History Fund

The PHI is responsible for management of IGEM’s history fund, a separate registered charity formed in 1983. The fund has offered grants to a number of projects at gas museums and three members serve on the National Gas Museum Trust.

All contributions are gratefully received, if you’d like to make a donation to the History Fund, then visit the Historic Gas Times page to find out how.

Sugg Heritage Award

In April 1981 the PHI launched the Heritage Award. Renamed as the Sugg Heritage Award in December of the same year, this award is used to recognise work that contributes to the understanding of the history, aspirations, traditions and achievements of the gas industry.

The first recipient was Mr G.W. Battison in recognition of his contribution to recording the history of the gas industry. The latest recipient was former IGEM President Christopher J. Murray in 2013 who received it for his presentation celebrating the 200th anniversary of the UK gas industry.

Details of all of our awards can be found on the awards and medals page.

Hydrogen Committee Hydrogen Committee

What is the Hydrogen committee?

The Hydrogen committee is a group of experts brought together to consider all technical and safety matters relating to Hydrogen, including the environmental impact of the construction and use of Hydrogen installations, transmission, distribution, measurement and utilisation.

Who's involved?

The individuals involved in the Hydrogen Committee represent: the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), BEIS, National Grid Gas Transmission, the Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) Cadent, SGN, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities, the Industrial and Commercial Energy Association (ICOM), BSI, HHIC, ITM Power, Energy and Utility Skills Group, GERG, BP, Shell, the Energy Instituteand BOC. In addition, the working group has input from a number of specialist consultants including Arup, DNV GL, Global Energy Associates, Progressive Energy, Green Flame and Kiwa.

What are the committee’s objectives and priorities?
  • Discuss areas of common interest regarding health and safety, share safety alerts across the Hydrogen industry and develop best practice guidelines for Hydrogen operations.
  • Provide suitable references for public domain Hydrogen statistics.
  • Provide guidance and support to member companies regarding Safety Cases, COMAH, HAZOP surveys and planning enquiries.
  • Provide expert input to the Hydrogen quality and regulatory debate.
  • To agree technical work plans for the preparation or review of Technical Standards or Guidance
  • To set up and monitor the work of Technical Panels
  • To prepare and when necessary revise Hydrogen Series Standards
  • To review current European and British legislation and Standards, as well as International Standards, relating to Hydrogen. In addition to provide input through proper channels on draft legislation and Standards
  • To monitor important Hydrogen related developments worldwide.
  • To maintain an effective liaison with regulating authorities for example the HSE and other bodies concerned with the Hydrogen industry.
  • To promote knowledge and understanding throughout the gas industry by providing technical updates, from the publication of new or revised Technical Standards or Guidance and provide training as required by industry. This may be through the Technical Panels, Working Groups, industry experts and training companies.

The Hydrogen Committee meets a minimum of three times per year, with additional meetings subject to demand.

Why hydrogen?

The current gas network distributes methane, also known as natural gas, to homes, businesses and industrial users across the UK. However, over the last few years serious consideration has been given to the repurposing of the gas network from methane to hydrogen.

Exploration of this idea has gained significant momentum since the UK Government’s decision in 2019 to legislate for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This is because hydrogen offers a low carbon solution to the heating emissions challenge. Hydrogen produced using electrolysis, also known as ‘Green Hydrogen’, produces pure hydrogen with no harmful by-products. However other hydrogen production methods do produce carbon emissions and as such would need to be combined with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) solutions. Crucially, unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen does not produce carbon emissions at the point of use, when it is burned. 

Gas network companies have established a range of hydrogen exploratory and demonstration projects across the UK, looking at blending hydrogen into the existing gas grid, creating new and repurposing existing networks for 100% Hydrogen and the deployment of hydrogen alongside CCUS capability. More information on these projects can be found on the Energy Networks Association’s Gas Goes Green site.

How is IGEM supporting a Hydrogen future?

As well as being the secretariat for the Hydrogen Committee, IGEM is also supporting the development of Hydrogen Technical Standards as part of the Hy4Heat project, funded by the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Hydrogen Standards, once published, will support the current hydrogen gas network projects being delivered across the UK as well as underpin future hydrogen projects.

Through our Gas Quality Working Group, we are bringing industry together to provide the evidence base and analysis for changing regulations, in order to update the specification of gas that can be injected into the gas network and enable more low carbon gases, such as hydrogen to be used in the grid.

We are providing a new Training Specification to our Skills partners so that a competency based training programme can be deployed to Training provider organisations within an industry approved structure. This will support the supply of apprentices, gas technologists and operatives who are familiarised and competent to handle hydrogen and to safely install equipment such as hydrogen ready appliances.

IGEM also deliver high quality, accredited hydrogen courses for engineers and managers wishing to understand the fundamentals of hydrogen.

Please email [email protected] if you would like more information about IGEM’s work on hydrogen. 

If you would like to find out more about hydrogen technologies, applications and policy developments please explore our Hydrogen Knowledge Centre, where you will find a vast range of papers, reports and other resources on hydrogen.

UK hydrogen projects summary:


A project to demonstrate if hydrogen can be safely blended into the natural gas distribution system at concentrations of up to 20% hydrogen by volume, without requiring changes to the network components or downstream appliances. The first phase of the project, a live demonstration based at Keele University has been successfully delivered. The second phase, Hydeploy North East is a pilot in the community of Winlaton, with the area becoming the first public network to receive a 20% hydrogen blend. The project is being delivered by the Hydeploy consortium, led by Cadent.


Based in the North West of England, HyNet is a project led by Cadent and Progressive Energy, based on the production of hydrogen from natural gas. It includes the development of a new hydrogen pipeline; and the creation of the UK’s first CCUS infrastructure.


Project led by Arup, to establish if it is technically possible, safe and convenient to replace natural gas (methane) with hydrogen in residential and commercial buildings and gas appliances. This will enable government to determine whether to proceed to community trial.


Led by Northern Gas Networks, H21 is a suite of gas industry projects, designed to support conversion of the UK gas networks to carry 100% hydrogen.H21 has already proved conversion of the existing gas grid to carry 100% hydrogen is technically possible and economically viable, through the 2016 H21 Leeds City Gate report.


Led by SGN, the H100 project is looking to construct and demonstrate the UK’s first network to carry 100% hydrogen. The project is built-up of a series of smaller projects that focus on each key aspect of hydrogen research.

SGN Methilltoune

SGN’s Methilltoune project will deliver a first-of-its-kind hydrogen production demonstrator in Levenmouth, Fife. This includes a scalable distribution network with storage to supply hydrogen for domestic properties for heating and cooking.

Dolphyn ERM Project

Led by ERM, the Deepwater Offshore Local Production of Hydrogen (Dolphyn) project will consider large-scale retrofit hydrogen production from offshore floating wind turbines in deep water locations.

Project Cavendish

A collaboration between National Grid Gas Transmission, SGN and Cadent, Project Cavendish is exploring ways to produce, store or import hydrogen at the Isle of Grain in Kent, to get hydrogen to the South of London.

Aberdeen Vision

Aberdeen Vision aims to demonstrate the commercial viability of injecting 2% hydrogen into the National Transmissions System (NTS). The project also aims to provide a case for constructing a new 100% hydrogen pipeline between St Fergus and Aberdeen that would initially supply the network with a hydrogen blend of up to 20%, increasing to 100% following a complete network conversion to hydrogen.

Net Zero South Wales

The Net Zero South Wales 2050 innovation project has been undertaken as a partnership between Regen, Western Power Distribution (WPD) and Wales and West Utilities. The main objective of the project was to develop a new methodology for conducting cross-vector scenario forecasting at a regional level, merging two pre-existing studies for gas and electricity, and to provide insights into how South Wales might transition to a net zero future under three net zero scenario pathways: High Electrification, Core Hydrogen and High Hydrogen along with a hybrid heat sensitivity.

Future Grid

The importance of the National Transmission System (NTS) to the UK’s current energy supply means we need to consider how to deliver low carbon energy, reliably and safely to all consumers. The facility will be built from a range of decommissioned transmission assets, to create a representative whole-network which will be used to trial hydrogen and will allow for accurate results to be analysed. Blends of hydrogen up to 100% will then be tested at transmission pressures, to assess how the assets perform.

The hydrogen research facility will remain separate from the main National Transmission System, allowing for testing to be undertaken in a controlled environment, with no risk to the safety and reliability of the existing gas transmission network.

International Committee International Committee

The international committee reports to Council bi-annually and was set up in 2011 to develop an international strategy and consider regional activity and its potential impact on IGEM activities. Typically, these reports would reflect the interests of members, major conferences, significant investments, the role of competitors, academic interventions and consideration of mutually beneficial partnerships.  They will investigate opportunities for new memberships and new sections to be formed and identify suitable training and development opportunities for individuals and companies working within the gas sector.

Membership Committee Membership Committee

The membership committee, on behalf of Council, approves applications for the election and transfer for the different classes of membership. Two sub-committees, namely the Academic Panel and Professional Development Committee, assess and approve non-exemplifying individual academic qualifications. The Membership Committee retains its critical role in maintaining the Institution’s license from the Engineering Council. The Chair ensures the functioning of all processes and obligations under the Membership Policies and Procedures Manual. The whole process is now covered by strict quality assurance procedures compliant with BS EN ISO 9001, the Institution’s Quality Manual and Governance Manual. Every five years, the Institution is audited for compliance by the Engineering Council for the renewal of its license to register gas engineers.

Academic Panel

The Academic Panel (AP), is responsible for the consideration of all Individual Case Procedure (ICP). ICP’s are applications that do not comply with the formal academic requirements of the ‘Exemplifying Route’ criteria and therefore require a pre-assessment of academic qualifications. The Academic Panel will recommend to the Membership Committee and the applicant how any gaps can be filled and provide advice and guidance to applicants. 

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee (PDC), is responsible for the accreditation of Academic Courses, (universities, colleges etc.), all education and training matters, and the formal approval of structured company training schemes / programmes and the continuing professional development requirements.

Technical Coordinating Committee Technical Coordinating Committee

The Chair's Technical Committee, originally created in 1939, became the Technical Coordinating Committee in 1972. The new name was deemed more suitable since it was believed the terms of reference would better allow its members to review future programmes of technical work and make policy recommendations. It was also decided that, for continuity, the Chair would hold office for three years. The new terms of reference empowered the committee to co-opt additional members whose advice was deemed to be desirable. In the first year, representatives from the Gas Council's production and supply division, marketing division and the SBGI were asked to serve on the committee. This pattern is still followed today with representatives of various bodies such as the HSE, Energy & Utilities Alliance (EUA) formally SBGI, Ofgem and companies dealing with gas supply, distribution, utilisation and LPG sitting on the committee in order to encompass the whole industry.  

The four sub-committees advise and report to the TCC and consider all technical matters and new techniques on Natural Gas, LPG, LNG, unconventional gases and carbon dioxide; including the environmental impact of the construction and use of installations relating to:

Gas Transmission and Distribution Committee (GTDC)
  • Materials and ancillary plant
  • Health and safety of people
  • The safe, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance decommissioning and ultimate dismantling of plant and equipment and related engineering processes, all in respect of gas production, storage, transportation, distribution and use. 
Gas Measurement Committee (GMC)
  • Meter installations, associated pressure regulation and measurement of flow of gas and measurement of gas quality as it affects the billing of energy used.  
Gas Utilisation Committee (GUC)
  • Utilisation of gas and, in addition where appropriate and with the agreement of relevant leading organisations in the respective field, to include other energy sources such as oil and other fuel gases.
Liquefied Natural Gas Committee (LNGC)
  • Safe, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance decommissioning and ultimate dismantling of plant and equipment and related engineering processes, all in respect of gas production, storage, transportation and use. 
Technical Panels

Technical Panels have balanced representation from the different sectors and are made up of experts involved in the subject matter of the Standard in question. Individuals not representing an organisation or company should be a member of IGEM.

The review of the Standards is a process that holds the integrity of the Standard above everything else. This is why the process is not governed by time. One of the main reasons that the Standards are so highly thought of and trusted is that they are developed and reviewed by experts from the industry. IGEM’s Council oversee the reviewing of the Standards and this responsibility is aided by IGEM Committees who appoint the Panel members.

IGEM’s Technical team assist in the drafting of the Standards and decide what Standards will be reviewed. Industry can comment at all stages of the review process and comments are considered and amendments made accordingly.

Download: IGEM Technical Coordinating Committee Governance Manual

Learn more about our Working Groups 

Gas Quality Working Group Gas Quality Working Group

What is the Gas Quality Working Group?

A group of experts brought together to facilitate the production of a new IGEM standard specifying the quality of gas that is allowed to be injected into the UK’s gas transmission and distribution network.

Working Group Documents

All of the documents produced by this working group are available here.

Who’s involved? 

Changes in gas quality have the potential to impact the whole of the supply chain and the makeup of the gas quality working group aims to reflect this. The individuals involved represent: the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), National Grid Transmission, the Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) Cadent, SGN, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities, Energy UK, the Industrial and Commercial Energy Association (ICOM) and boiler manufactures. In addition the working group has input from a number of specialist consultants including DNV GL and Kiwa.

Why is this standard required?

The UK benefits from a long established gas network with a proven history of delivering natural gas safely, affordably and reliably to millions of customers each year. However, if we are to meet the target of net zero gas emissions by 2050, then it is essential that we consider how we will continue to supply heat, power and light whilst reducing our impact on the environment.

In response to the emissions challenge the gas industry has embarked on a number of innovative projects designed to decarbonise the gas network and reduce the carbon footprint associated with gas usage. Many of these projects explore the potential of alternative, low carbon gases such as biomethane, bioSNG and hydrogen. 

Some low carbon gases are already being added into the network alongside natural gas. However, in order to maximise the full potential of alternative gases a change is required to the specification of gas that is permitted to be injected into the network.

The current specification for UK gas quality sits within the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 and was developed based upon the characteristics of North Sea natural gas. As an increasing percentage of the natural gas used in the UK is imported and we seek to increase the use of low carbon alternatives to natural gas, there is a requirement to change the specification of gas that is permitted for use under the GS(M)R and to align the UK standard with the European standard.

How is gas quality measured?

Gas quality is measured by the Wobbe index which is used to compare the combustion energy output of different composition fuel gases in an appliance (fire, cooker etc.). If two fuels have identical Wobbe indices then for given pressure and valve settings the energy output will be identical.

The Wobbe index is a critical factor in minimising the impact of substituting natural gas with low carbon alternatives. Each of the various types of low carbon gas measures differently against the Wobbe index and some do not fit within the parameters set out within GS(M)R.  For example, the Wobbe index requires the addition of propane to some upgraded biomethane products.

The IGEM gas quality standard will set a new Wobbe index range for gases used within the UK network. Initially it will extend the upper range however it will seek to widen the lower range at a later date.


The publication of an IGEM standard covering gas quality. This work is a pre-curser to a request to change the specification of gas quality that sits within GS(M)R in order to enable an increase in the use of low carbon gases alongside natural gas.

Related Projects

Opening up the Gas Market

The Gas Quality Working Group was brought together in response to SGN’s innovation project entitled Opening Up the Gas Market. The project was designed to test different compositions of gas throughout SGN’s network in Oban, Scotland to see how it performed and demonstrate its suitability for the GB market.

The variations of gas tested are already used in Europe but require further processing to meet our national standard. The trial at Oben sought to demonstrate that the national standard could be revised to open up the gas market and lower prices for customers.

Exploring the Impact of Varying Gas Quality on Industrial and Commercial Users

As part of the work being undertaken by the Gas Quality Working Group energy consultants DNV GL were tasked with assessing the impact of varying gas quality on industrial and commercial users.

The project explored the effect of a wider Wobbe index that permits use of blended hydrogen mixtures containing up to 20 mol%, by researching and reviewing measures that have been put in place around the world to ensure the safe and efficient combustion of wider specification gases. The rate of change of the Wobbe index was also considered.

Industrial and commercial equipment greater than 1 MW in size was examined along with instrumentation that measures or may be affected by gas quality. The project primarily considered a range of Wobbe index from 45.67 to 53.25 MJ/m3 compared with the existing GS(M)R range of 47.20 to 51.41 MJ/m3. 

The resulting report produced by DNV GL on behalf of the Gas Quality Working Group is available to download below. 

Industry Consultation

In January 2018, a group of stakeholders from the commercial and industrial sector were invited to IGEM House for the first stakeholder workshop. Attendees were provided with an overview of the work being carried out by the Gas Quality Working Group including the rationale for the proposed changes to GS(M)R. The workshop also provided an opportunity to gather information about the quality of gas currently supplied to the GB network.

The presentations given are available to download below along with a summary of the workshop outputs.

Large Business Forum Large Business Forum

What is the Large Business Forum (LBF)?

A group of larger businesses operating primarily in the downstream utilisation sector of the gas industry. These businesses come together to discuss engineering, safety and legislative issues that impact professionals working with gas in domestic and commercial premises. 

What is the purpose of the LBF?

The Large Business Forum (LBF) are the representative body for large businesses working in the downstream gas industry. They provide legislative and technical advice in addition to supporting industry regulators, including the Health and Safety Executive, Gas Safe Register, The Standards Setting Body, IGEM, OFGEM and Government Departments.

The Large Business Forum (LBF) promote an environment which is gas safe for all with improved training, guidance and clarity to drive Quality, Knowledge and Performance working within the regulatory framework applying a ‘common sense approach’.

The Large Business Forum (LBF) work together sharing and resolving problems through collaboration and trust with independence.

There is no other forum that allows the larger gas businesses to interact, co-operate, share and resolve compliance issues in a non-competitive environment

Trevor Smallpeice EngTech FIGEM

Large Business Forum


Who’s involved?

The group of businesses represented at Large Business Forum (LBF) meetings includes; British Gas, EQUANS - (engie), Swale Heating Ltd, Mears Group PLC, HomeServe, E.ON Energy Solutions, Jigsaw Homes Group Ltd, Gasway Services Ltd, Kier Group Compliance, Kier Workplace Services, Currys Group Ltd, John N Dunn Group Ltd, Morgan Sindall Property Services Ltd, EDF Energy, T Brown Group Ltd, Siemens, Derry Building Services Ltd, Ovo Energy Field Force

Also, representatives from the following are Permanently Invited Guests: IGEM, HSE, IGEM/G/11 – GIUSP, HHIC and APHC.

The Large Business Forum (LBF) work alongside IGEM and their colleagues operating the UK transmission & distribution network and metering to create clarity of understanding and agree best practice on many issues that have relevance to both sides. 


Many issues raised at Large Business Forum (LBF) meetings have resulted in dedicated IGEM and industry working groups that have developed new and existing standards as well as improved training for the benefit of utilisation professionals to improve safety and efficiency in gas work.  

The Large Business Forum (LBF) is the primary supporter of IGEM’s annual Gas Utilisation Conference, providing advice and guidance on topics to include on the programme and speakers to invite.

LBF Risk Assessments & Guidance Documents


Low Pressure Supply Working Group Low Pressure Supply Working Group

What is the Low Pressure Supply Working Group?

A group of experts bought together to discuss incidents of low pressure on the gas distribution network increasingly reported by installers. 

Who’s involved?

The Low Pressure Supply Working Group was put together in response to a request from the Standards Consultation Forum (SCF). It is made up of representatives from: British Gas, Cadent, DNV GL, Energy Assets, Global Energy, Heating and Hot Water Industry Council (HHIC), HomeServe, Health & Safety Executive, National Grid, Ofgem, Organisation of Professional Gas Operatives (OPGO), SGN, Tuffentech and Wales & West Utilities.  

Why was the investigation required?

Following an increase in the number of complaints from installers concerning incidents of low pressure on the gas distribution network, the SCF instructed the operators of the gas distribution networks, Cadent, SGN, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities, to investigate and formulate a response.

Unfortunately, the resulting Energy Networks Association (ENA) Gas industry bulletin entitled Response to poor pressure reports was not seen by industry to sufficiently address the issue. Subsequently the SCF approached IGEM to carry out further work in this area.


Following a series of meetings the Low Pressure Supply Working Group concluded that low pressure is not a significant issue and that the design of the UK distribution network remains fit for use with the majority of gas appliances currently on the market. They acknowledged however, that the next generation of appliances with increasing net heat input may prove more problematic.

As a result of the discussions it was identified that the procedures in place to deal with incidents of low pressure vary across industry. This often means that the customer is unable to use the appliance they purchased and that has already been installed.

The group identified two areas of mutual concern for installers and gas emergency service providers (ESPs). These were: the Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995, the requirements of which should be factored into the supply of gas to premises and the appliance manufacturer’s instructions that should reflect the design and capacity of the gas distribution network.

The working group has facilitated further discussions covering these areas and considered what the typical load should be for a domestic property due to the increasing capacity of domestic appliances on the market which may end up exceeding the operating capacity of the network.

Agreed Procedures

What followed was the drafting of an IGEM Standard IGEM/G/13Domestic supply capacity and operating pressure at the outlet of the meter published in September 2022 and was amended in August 2023.

This Standard covers industry agreed changes to working practice set out in Recommendation for changes to working practice Communication 1830 and covers:

  • limit on the nominal gas load for domestic premises in kW
  • harmonise procedures for installing appliances covering:
  • pre-commissioning
  • commissioning
  • post commissioning.
  • servicing and maintenance of domestic appliances
  • conditions for reporting low pressure supply
    • method of testing for low pressure on the installation
    • response from the emergency service providers.

This Standard essentially covers domestic supply capacity and the operating pressure at the outlet of the meter. These changes in some of the details conflict with current published BSI standards and established company procedures. The industry is arranging to have such information considered as a part of the review of related Standards in due course, in the meanwhile for application of this Standard or BS 6400-1; BS 6400-2 see Figure 1 in the Standard.

To accompany this document there is a presentation that may be used for team talks and training, which is entitled:

IGEM-G-13 – Domestic supply capacity and operating pressure at the outlet of the meter.

This Standard, the presentation and Communication 1830 are free to download from IGEM’s website in a summary of the procedures agreed by the working group in order align the response of installers and gas emergency service providers to incidents of low pressure on the gas distribution network.

Free downloads

IGEM/G/13 - Domestic supply caparcity and operating pressure at the outlet of the meter 
Communication 1838 Reccomendation for changes to working practice

RIDDOR Working Group RIDDOR Working Group

What is the RIDDOR Working Group?

A group of experts brought together to agree standard criteria for reporting unsafe gas work under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 known as RIDDOR.

Who’s involved?

This issue was first raised at the Large Business Forum (LBF) and was subsequently picked up by a dedicated working group including representatives from: the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Gas Safe, the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC), British Gas, Cadent, Corgi, E.ON, HomeServe, Ideal boilers and National Grid.

Why is standard criteria required?

Currently there are two distinct approaches used to determine when gas work should be reported under RIDDOR.

  1. To report all situations that are classified as Immediately Dangerous (ID)
  2. To report all situations that meet the RIDDOR definition of dangerous, this being that the situation “has caused or is likely to cause death, unconsciousness or taking to hospital of a person.”

Some gas professionals argue that all ID situations should be reported in order to comply with RIDDOR. However, others argue that not all ID situations are “likely to cause death, unconsciousness or taking to hospital of a person” and that the purpose of classifying a situation as ID is to ensure an appropriate response from engineers and customers. They also argue that using approach 1 to determine when gas work should be reported will to lead to an unnecessary increase in reports under RIDDOR.


The agreement and publication of standard criteria confirming when a RIDDOR report is to be submitted concerning unsafe gas work. This criteria should then be applied across industry.

Interested in joining a working group, panel or committee?

Become a volunteer helping to shape the industry, organisation and standards towards a sustainable gas future.

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