Industry Consultations

We represent the views of our members on a wide range of professional and engineering issues which impact on the gas industry. Members are encouraged to take part in contributing to this process to ensure that their voice and opinions are heard.

Consultations in progress and IGEM submissions to consultations will be posted on our Policy and Research Hub.

You are invited to provide your own submission to these consultations as well as contributing to the IGEM response. These submissions are in the public domain and readers are welcome to quote from them provided the source is acknowledged.     

Benefits of getting involved

Consultations are an integral part of the policy-making process. They help make policies and regulations more effective by considering the interests of affected parties, stimulating informed debate and highlighting the costs and benefits of different regulatory options.

Why get involved?

The government is likely to pay more attention to responses from groups and organisations rather than to responses from individuals. Therefore, IGEM speaks for the profession and responds on behalf of its members to consultations on matters relating to the gas industry, engineering and wider energy and climate change issues.

IGEM is represented on major bodies and organisations which govern the gas industry and engineering in the UK, Europe and worldwide, and responses submitted by the Institution help the government to understand how widely and strongly views on a particular policy are held.

On some consultations we may contribute to a wider group to give a total sector response. An example of this was the collective response of the Professional Engineering Institutions via the Royal Academy of Engineering to the Industrial Strategy.