Hydrogen salt cavern storage project calls for participants

Hydrogen Salt Cavern Storage

Joint industry project - call for participants
Salt Cavern Storage.PNG

The Challenge

Storing hydrogen in salt caverns can play a considerable role in helping deliver the energy transition while meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement. Hydrogen storage at scale will be used for various purposes in different regions such as energy security, decarbonizing industrial processes, balancing supply and demand, etc. The storage of hydrogen in salt caverns requires adequate design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, decommissioning and repurposing practices for subsurface and surface facilities. The existing standards for natural gas are not fit for purpose due to general safety, thermophysical and chemical differences between natural gas and hydrogen. Some of the key uncertainties and challenges for hydrogen are:

  • Understanding specific hydrogen risks
  • Materials compatibility, testing and selection
  • Mechanical integrity testing of caverns
  • Hydrogen impurities and natural gas blends
  • Repurposing existing caverns

There are currently four commercial sites in operation globally which store hydrogen in salt caverns, along with a handful of pilot-scale projects. As the energy transition accelerates, the number of hydrogen storage caverns is expected to increase significantly. This necessitates development of a standardized approach for a sustainable energy transition.

Joint Industry Project (JIP) for Standardization

DNV will bring together relevant stakeholders on a 1.5-3 year research project to develop a systematic and rationalized approach for feasibility, qualification and operation of safer salt caverns for hydrogen storage. Steps and key principles of the qualification scheme will be validated in separately funded satellite-projects.

The proposed project work structure is in the following areas:

  • Differences between hydrogen and natural gas
  • Technical threat assessment
  • Technical gap analysis in existing standards
  • Qualification scheme development
  • Development of an industrial guideline
  • Risk assessment of highest uncertainties
  • Satellite-projects with interested parties

DNV are seeking participation from a broad spectrum of key players, including energy producers and generators, site owners, developers, EPCs, cavern operators, DSOs, TSOs, trade organizations, research institutes, government agencies, and gas regulators.

The outcome of this JIP will be guidelines that will form the basis of a future DNV Recommended Practice (RP), enhancing the confidence in usage of salt caverns for hydrogen storage. Contact DNV today and register your interest.

Contact: [email protected]