Unconscious Bias

Join our webinar and revolutionise your understanding of unconscious bias, hosted by leading inclusion and wellbeing consultant, David Hull-Watters

Do you want to deepen your understanding of unconscious bias and its impact on decision making, behaviour, and relationships? Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to gain valuable insights.

David Hull-Watters is a leading inclusion and wellbeing consultant, who has claimed several awards for his commitment to ensuring not only a more inclusive workplace but a more inclusive future for all. He is an Associate Consultant and Trainer for the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion and EMBED Inclusion. He was also awarded the Vodaphone World of Difference Award for his pioneering work.

David will guide you through a comprehensive discussion on unconscious bias. From defining the concept to exploring its relationship with stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, David will unravel the complexities behind this important topic.

Join us for this eye-opening event, where you'll learn about key strategies for tackling bias, including actionable insights for employers.

Register now to secure your place and be a part of the movement towards a more inclusive society. Together, let's build a future where bias holds no power and inclusivity thrives.