Men's Mental Health

Discover the underlying factors contributing to the difficulties faced by men and boys in today's society. Explore effective methodologies and practices to empower men to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar on men's mental health, where we will delve into the pressing issues faced by men today. Discover why men and boys are struggling and explore effective ways to support them in becoming the best versions of themselves.

We will explore topics such as; 

  • The testosterone crisis: why testosterone is often misunderstood, why it's so important for male physical and mental wellbeing, why levels are rapidly dropping across all age groups globally, and how to reverse the drop.
  • The rise of men's communities and what we can learn from their success in creating our own communities.
  • The role of psychological safety and allyship in creating more cohesive working communities. What do these words mean and how do you deliver on them on a day-to-day basis? 
  • Fatherhood: what are the parenting challenges faced by various groups of men, from new fathers to those caught in the family courts and who may not live with their children, to childless men (not by choice)
  • Men in the media - how does the existing narrative about men in the media fuel the crisis and how do we redefine a masculinity which is fit for the 21st century?
  • Gender bias, Gamma bias and Beta bias - what do these terms mean and how do they shape our views on men, women and people? 

We are delighted to have Andrew Pain as our speaker for this webinar. Andrew is a motivational speaker, combining his lived experiences as a domestic abuse survivor with 20 years of leadership and HR expertise. Andrew brings unique insights and perspectives to the discussion.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the conversation that aims to create positive change.