H100 Fife is part of Gas Goes Green, the industry blueprint for cutting out carbon emissions. Working in partnership on a number of ground-breaking innovation projects, SGN aims to develop a safe, smart gas system that delivers clean heating to homes and business
On the east coast of Scotland, the H100 Fife project is giving residents in the local area the opportunity to be at the leading edge of the low-carbon economy.
SGN are developing a world-first hydrogen network in Buckhaven and Denbeath that will bring renewable hydrogen into homes in 2024, providing zero-carbon fuel for heating and cooking. In the project’s first phase, the network will heat around 300 local homes using clean gas produced by a dedicated electrolysis plant, powered by a nearby offshore wind turbine.
The project is the first of its kind to employ a direct supply of clean power to produce hydrogen for domestic heating – putting Fife at the forefront of the clean energy revolution.
Join the Scottish Section in a visit to H100 which will also include their AGM.
The current Section Chair, David Frost, will present an overview of the past year and the incoming Section Chair, Gordon McMillan will present their vision for the coming year.
The Annual General Meeting will follow the normal agenda:
• Receiving the year end statement of accounts from the Treasurer
• Receiving the annual report of the Management Committee from the current Chair
• Receiving the list of Officers, Members of the Committee
Please bring hard hat, safety boots and hi-viz. Items may be provided where participants do not have their own PPE.
Free parking is available and a buffet lunch will be provided.